I have family all over the world, from Texas
to England to Thailand to Luxembourg to Utah. We are a unique blend of
different talents, passions, cultures and languages. The best times of the year
for me are being surrounded by family and the more of us we can get together
the better!
One of the most special things for me about being with my
family is hearing stories of those who have gone on before us. To hear of their
courage and their strengths, they struggles and trials. Where and how they
lived and the circumstances and convictions that drove their decisions.
We learn a lot from our ancestors. For me, this is one of
my biggest draws to genealogy. It is just not finding names and dates but truly
finding out exactly who our ancestors were and why. One of my ancestors that I
admire greatly was my great grandmother Elizabeth Mary Buck. She was born in
1902 in Ireland where her father was stationed in the army. He passed away one
year later. She was very intelligent and did well in school. After she had
completed her education she worked as a maid in a hotel which is where she met
her husband. She married my great grandfather Sydney Norman Vardy in 1923 and
they went on to have 5 children.
Her life was neither
glamorous or easy. My Great Grandfather worked first in the merchant navy and
then in a factory. To help support the
family Elizabeth would take on sewing jobs. She was talented and took pride in
her work. She was also very frugal. She kept all the extra buttons from garments
she altered or added new buttons onto in case they could be used again. I now
have a large collection of buttons from the early 1900's. She grew her own food
and during the WWII turned her entire garden into a vegetable patch . She
worked hard. She would wash and cook for 7 people without any help from modern conveniences.
On Mondays my grandmother (Lesley) would
come home to find Elizabeth scrubbing the floor and the steps on her hands and
knees. She took pride in her home and in
caring for her family and did it well. She lived through both world wars and
saw the world change drastically through her almost 100 years of life. The best
thing about my Great grandmother was
that she was always happy and shared that happiness through her smile
and laughter. She passed away when I was 9 years old in 1997 in Hampshire,
England. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with her.
My Great grandmother and grandfather lived a good life and
loved the Savior. They always helped others and were Christ like. Married for
over 70 years they loved and treasured each other. As Sydney aged he would
memorize poems that he loved to help keep his memory sharp. One in particular
reminded him of his beautiful wife. He would recite it to her so much she would
get fed up. But this poem came to mean a
lot, especially to my mother, as it reminds her of their sweet relationship
A red
rose in my garden,
A sky lark on the wing,
A cottage small, 'neath larches tall,
And you my love within
white cloth on my table,
A jar of honey sweet,
A baby in a cradle rocked,
make our joys complete
bright star in the heavens,
angels loving care,
more is there in all this world,
For us
dear heart to share.
My great grandparents' temple work was started in 2001 and
completed in 2004. In addition to receiving saving ordinances such as baptism
and their endowment they were also sealed to each other for time and all
eternity. I am so grateful for the temple and the work that is performed in
them. I love knowing that my great grandparents can be together forever. That eventually
their posterity can be sealed to them and that the relationships that mean so much
to us here on earth reach further and last longer, not ending with death but
stretching into the eternities.
Authored by LLHappyEternal Writer: GUEST
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