Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Small & Simple

As I have grown a little through the years, I have found that I enjoy the simple things of life much more than I did when I was younger.  It seems as a child, I couldn’t wait to reach each milestone in my life:  going to Kindergarten, getting baptized, advancing to the Young Women’s Organization, getting my drivers license, graduating from High School, and everything that reaching adulthood entails.  I  was definitely focused on the big events that come in life.  As time has passed,  I find myself enjoying the little things more:  a big “squeeze hug” from my 8 year old, a sincere “I love you” from our teenage daughter, watching the excitement of our 11 year old as she learns to can pears, and the giggles of my 7 year old daughters as they laugh at a silly joke.  These simple joys, are all things that have come to mean so much to me in my life.  In Alma 37:6, we learn:  “that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass…”  I have spent a lot of time pondering the significant events in my life.  Each milestone has come as a result of preparing myself through the “small & simple.”  
Recently in our community, we have been blessed with the Open House &  Re-dedication of the Ogden, Utah Temple.  This has been a major event!  Thousands of people have come to participate and see the beauty we find in the house of the Lord.  As a result, I have been thinking about the Temple and the significance it has played in my life.  It definitely is one of the bigger milestones I have reached in life, but it is the little things that have helped me get there.  Attending church, choosing good friends, reading the scriptures, and other consistent simple things,  helped prepare me for my journey to the temple.  We may think that our journey  is a series of major events- there are definitely  milestones that help us get there, but ultimately  it is the “small and simple” things that help us get to the Temple.  I have a testimony of the blessings that come from  the Temple.  I am thankful for the “small and simple things” that help me stay on the path so I can enjoy the little things, not just in this life, but throughout eternity

Authored by LLHappyEternal Writer: 1407

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