By most definitions of the word, I grew up in a less than conventional family. While my father was raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints decisions made drew him away from his beliefs and it took a change of heart to bring him back to his heritage.
Fast forward several years, 1 marriage, 1 child, 1 divorce and a second marriage...I found myself, the 1 child referred to, in a less than conventional family unit. My father had re-married a wonderful woman and together they had made the decision to give them, us, our family, a more solid base by reclaiming who they are and becoming active again, as members of the church. Part of that included sealing their civil union of marriage for time and all eternity through a temple marriage.
As members of the church, we hold a temple marriage in high regard. Children that are born to a couple married in the temple are considered to have been 'born in the covenant', and have the opportunity to be re-united as an eternal family in our next existence.
In this instance, of my family, I had not only not been born in the covenant, but I was faced with the union of my father to what essentially would be my 'step-mother', as my biological parents were married only civilly, and not had their union sealed through the covenants of the temple. I was soon to be given a very unique opportunity.....
My then 'step-mother' announced that she would not only like to be sealed to my father for time and all eternity, but that she desired to have myself sealed to her and my father- making us an eternal family.
My then 'step-mother' announced that she would not only like to be sealed to my father for time and all eternity, but that she desired to have myself sealed to her and my father- making us an eternal family.
While the prospect of an eternal family was greatly desired, this was a decision not to be made lightly. I had the feelings of a biological mother to consider and wanted to make sure that the decision I made was not only the right one for me but her as well. So, I set out, seeking guidance from a loving Father in Heaven. Communicating with him directly through prayer.
Looking back, I don't remember the exact prayer I used to petition the guidance of my Father in Heaven, nor do I remember the exact moment I knew what my decision was going to be. What I do know, with certainty, is that I was to accept this eternal blessing and be sealed to my father and 'step-mom'.
This, however, could not be done without the full understanding and an agreement to the sealing being offered by my biological mother. As a family we were asked to petition my biological mother through letters, telling her of our desires and seeking her approval. As a family we fasted. For us, fasting is the combination of a sincere prayer and purpose while voluntarily going without drink or water for a period of time.
This quote was proven as we prepared and sent our individual letters to my biological mother. The writing of a letter, to essentially give up her rights to me as a mother, in an eternal perspective, is not an easy task.
Our petitions were proven to be more powerful, as within moments of receiving our letters my biological mother received a visit from the bishop of the ward within which she lived. Making this event even more remarkable is the fact that while the Bishop knew of my biological mother, she was not an active member of the church, nor had he ever met her. He, however, had received a prompting earlier in the day instructing him to visit her that very evening. He was able to help her work through her initial emotions and explain to her, fully, the process. Him being there also ensured that she had a complete understanding of what we were asking of her and the impact this would have on all of us in the eternities.
Within a few short days we received written consent, from my biological mother, and through the proper authorities, authorizing me to be sealed to my father and 'step-mother'. It was truly the power of prayer and fasting that brought this blessing to us. Without our fervent prayers, and sacrifice through fasting, our petitions would not have had the same power and the family greeting me in the eternities may have not been my parents as so desired. My parents being my biological father and my mother, formerly known as my 'step-mother'.
Through this experience I have learned the true power of prayer and the benefit of fasting. I am so grateful for the abilities we have to petition the powers of heaven through these things.
Authored by LLHappyEternal Writer: 1402
Authored by LLHappyEternal Writer: 1402