Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Be a Hero! Don't try to fit in..."

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About a year and a half ago, my husband and I attended a meeting for the young girls at our church.  The meeting was uplifting and I left grateful that I do not have to raise my children on my own.  Those in charge of the Young Women’s Program,  (you can read more about what they do,  here) spend time on Sundays, and one day a week teaching the girls about our Savior, Jesus Christ and valuable lessons that help them through their teenage years.  At the end of this particular meeting, a magnet was given to each girl.  The magnet reads:  “Be a Hero!  Don’t try to fit in.  Remember, you were meant to stand out!”  I think of this statement often, especially on days where I am feeling a little less than the hero I would like to be...  It is a good reminder to me of who I am.  I am not meant to be like anyone else. God designed me to be me.  We all have different gifts and talents unique to us.  

My favorite Bible story is Queen Esther.  Queen Esther was courageous.  She went to the King to help save her people, even when she knew that doing so could cost her life.  Before going before the King, Queen Esther was told:  “...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)  Queen Esther saved a nation and because of what she did, she affected generations.  

In our lives, the chances of us having to do what Queen Esther did are pretty small. However, our everyday choices can and will affect generations.  It may not seem too significant to us as we:  take a neighbor’s garbage to the curb, be a true friend, make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a child, or smile at someone at the grocery store, but it really is.  All of these things may not seem like they are big, but they add up to make a difference.

Although insignificant we may feel, we each have a purpose.  Our Father in Heaven loves us. He knows us, and we each have a purpose in life to fulfill.  “No woman [or man] is a more vibrant instrument in the hands of the Lord than a woman [or man] of God who is thrilled to be who she [or he] is.”  (Sheri Dew)   Think of the change we would see in the world if we all understood and  were “thrilled to be who” God intended for us to be.  Would we compare ourselves to others, or would we be more content with who we are?  Think of the difference it would make if we all took the time to “Be a hero!” And we didn’t “...try to fit in…” because we would know that “...[we are truly] meant to stand out!”
Authored by LLHappyEternal Writer: 1407

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